In today's globally competitive business world, technology is essential to run nearly every business and every facet of business. It is a major factor impacting the pace of change in the business environment, which is faster today than ever before as new technologies and innovations force industries and firms to find new ways to compete and survive. For companies to succeed in this environment, people who posses both business savvy and technology expertise are required. Neither alone is sufficient, especially in emerging economies like India where technology transfer and development have assumedlot of significance; post India's compliance to TRIPS and productpatents. Huge influx of foreign investment by global giants in technology development,setting up of research centers by global companies, government policies facilitating Industry-Institute technology transfers are some of the factors that have compelled Indian companies to understand and manage technological innovation. In this emerging scenario, there is a dearth of skilled manpower to handle transactions of such complexities.Thus there is a need for training techno-managers to work in anybusiness/management environment which is technology driven. Leveraging our recognized core strengths in the areas of planning and design of *humanhabitat* and relevant technologies, CEPT University' Faculty of Technology Management (FTM) has developed a Master of Business Administration(MBA) programme in Technology Management (MTM)to address this need. The MTM programme aims to combine cutting-edge specialization of the existing CEPT academic programmes with management skills and concepts so as to provide Indian Industry with technology managers who can handle wide range of functions and tackle complex challenges of today's global and competitive environment.
* To ensure the study of advanced business and management courses relevant to the demands of technology driven organizations.
* To provide an interdisciplinary perspective that will enrich the experience of the learners.
* To bring in diversity of thought and professional experience of various schools of CEPT so as to equip students to lead across disciplines.
* To prepare the students to solve complex problems throughout organizations..
* To broaden the career pathways of the students.